
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Colorful Raw Kale Salad

This is my go-to salad to bring to a picnic or as a side dish to any meal.  It keeps for days in the refrigerator and actually improves in flavor over time. It can be assembled in less than 10 minutes and even the clean up is easy. Since there is no cooking involved, anyone can make it. Kids can help by tearing the kale into small pieces, making the dressing and tossing the whole thing together. Also this salad can be  halved or doubled easily.

Refreshing, crunchy and tangy, it's perfect for a warm summer day.

Crazy Colorful Raw Kale Salad

Cook Time: 0
Prep Time: < 10 mins
Serves: 6-8, as a side dish

  • 1 bunch of  organic dinosaur kale (tear kale leaves into bite-size pieces, no stems)
  • 1 large organic red bell pepper (cored, seeded and diced)  
  • 1 small head of  organic cabbage (chopped, removed core)
  • 1  large organic orange (peeled, segmented, cut into bite-size pieces)
  • 1 cup of organic pineapple (diced)
  • 1 small organic red onion (diced)
  • 1/4 cup pepitas (optional) 

  • 3 Tbsp of  Dijon mustard 
  • Juice of 1 small organic orange (or about 1/3 cup juice) 
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • Bragg's Liquid Amino or Salt and Pepper to taste

Combine kale, bell pepper, cabbage, orange,  pineapple, onion and pepitas in a large bowl.

In a side bowl make the dressing. Whisk together mustard, orange juice, vinegar, pepper and salt. Pour over the veggie mixture and toss to coat.  Let it marinate for about an hour before serving. It can be kept, r
efrigerated, for 3 days. Serves 6-8 people as a side dish. 

Nutritional Info per Serving (assuming you make 6 servings):
Calories: 150 ; Fat: 4g ; Carbohydrate: 28g ; Fiber: 6g ; Sugar: 10g ; Protein: 5g

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