
Monday, June 25, 2012

It's Summer - So What's in Season?

It's finally summer time!! Summer brings up fond memories of fresh watermelon slices, picnics filled with cool salads and lots of outdoor activities. Grilling is also what comes to mind - unfortunately I live in an apartment building that doesn't allow me to have a grill, but I'll take my grilling elsewhere. Beaches, parks, pools... grilling can be done. Grilling fruits and veggies is beyond delicious. I love that flavor it gives to a simple corn on the cob. If you've never tried corn on the cob grilled - it is an experience to say the least (compared to boiled corn). It goes from "Oh look, corn on the cob" (dull voice) to "This is corn?! OMG" (crazy person voice). By the way - this is me speaking from personal experience. But don't think you are limited to just grilling. Making cool salads is also another way to keep yourself from sweating in the kitchen. With tons of great fruit to use, making an easy fruit salad can dress up any meal. Or making a fresh salsa that can is as easy as putting everything in the food processor and done! 

Living in South Florida can have it's perks. There is always an abundance of fresh produce year round, but especially in the summer time. I'm fairly close to a lot of farmer's markets and a few farms that let you pick your own produce. How awesome is that!?

Photo courtesy of

Here's a taste of what's in season:
  • Tomato
  • Corn
  • Watermelon
  • Summer Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Strawberries
  • Avocados
  • Bell Peppers
  • Green Beans
  • Blueberries
  • Peaches
  • Cantaloupe

A few recipes you can make with a some of these awesome fruits and vegetables:
Roasted Summer Squash
Strawberries N' Cream Oatmeal
Chocolaty Avocado Brownies
Skillet Cajun Hash
Roasted Balsamic Peppers and Onions

So many great things to work with - looks like I'm going to be in the kitchen a lot! Keep your eyes peeled for a lot of fruit & veg recipes in the next month or so. I recommend buying your favorites in bulk and freezing some to use throughout the year. Summer is short! So get to the market, stock up on the inexpensive, in-season, super fresh produce that is available before it's gone.



  1. Wow i wish i lived in a warmer climate! i love such fresh produce!

    1. You are in London, right? I'd die to just visit over other, I've heard some nice things.

      I'm sending plenty of sunshine your way...

  2. Greeting from Australia! I'm still counting days and wishing that our summer will be arriving soon.

    We love eating avocado and guacamole is always our family favourite :D

    Will be back for more of your healthy and guilt-free cooking and I'm now your latest follower :D

    1. Hello, from the other other side of the world! I bet it's quite chilly in Aus. right now. A few friends I have over there are wanting to come visit. Thanks for following and hope you enjoy the posts.
