
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

NY Strip w/ Sassy Onions

I'll admit, I'm not much of a meat eater - but being pregnant sure does make you crave things your wouldn't normally eat. So steak for dinner it is! I prefer to make my own steak, as opposed to going to a steak house. I find that the meat is usually over seasoned, over priced and who knows where it came from. The key to making a great steak at home is getting the best quality of meat available (and a good sear on the outside). If it's great meat, it should be able to stand alone without fancy sauces, seasonings and excessive oil. Sure it's nice to have some seasoning, but not to excess - like most places prepare steaks. These "Sassy Onions" are a nice compliment to the NY Strip. It's like PB & J - steak and onions are meant to be together. NY Strip is a fairly lean cut of meat, so try not to over cook it. That is one reason why I love NY Strips - not super fatty but protein loaded. 

I purchased grass-fed NY Strips from Fresh Market (which happened to be on sale, my favorite!). Buying good cuts of meat on sale, and freezing them, makes eating high quality foods affordable. I purchased a decent amount to freeze for future use, since I don't normally see grass-fed NY Strips on sale. I'm a firm believer in buying in bulk, it saves you money and time later down the road. Just make sure you wrap the meat well, so it doesn't get freezer burn. 

My Dairy-Free friends - if you don't want to add the butter to the onions, that's fine, but it gives them a nice gloss and good flavor. I would recommend substituting it with a non-dairy butter, like coconut butter. 

NY Strip w/ Sassy Onions

Cook Time: < 25 minutes
Prep Time: < 5 minutes
Serves: 4 


  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 large sweet onion, sliced into 1/4 inch slices
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 tsp dry mustard
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp organic butter
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 lb of grass-fed NY Strip Steak, cut into 4 - 1 inch thick 

Heat the oil over medium heat in a large skillet.

Season the NY Strip with salt, pepper and 1/2 tsp of Worcestershire on both sides. Let the meat absorb the flavors while you cook the onions. 

Add the onion to the heated skillet and saute for about 5 minutes. Then add the garlic, dry mustard and 1/2 tsp of Worcestershire. Saute for another 5 minutes or until the onions are starting to slightly brown and are real soft. Add the butter to the pan, salt & pepper and coat the onions well. Remove the onions from the pan, and set aside. 

Add the seasoned NY Strip to the skillet and let it cook for about 4 minutes on one side or until a nice brown crust has formed. Flip and cook for 4 minutes on the other side. 

Add the onions on top of the steaks and cover the pan. Reduce the heat to low and allow the meat to cook to desired done-ness (about 4 more minutes to medium or longer for a more well done steak).

Serve the steaks with the onions on top.

Nutritional Info per Serving (4oz meat and 1/4c onions):
Calories: 200 ; Fat: 8g ; Carbohydrate: 5g ; Fiber: 1g ; Sugar: 0g ; Protein: 25g


  1. I love steak and onions! I'm not very big on marinades, so this is a perfect combination in my cuisine!

  2. Booo I have to wait forever just to even make it to lunch I mean it's only 9:30 here now and now I am soooo hungry. This looks too freakin good

    1. I know the feeling... I usually type up my posts the day before posting and edit in the morning before sending. It leaves me really wanting to eat something ASAP!

  3. Steak and onions do go together perfectly! I like to keep my seasonings minimal to... and being pregnant always made me crave red meat which I hardly cook or eat funny how your body works to make sure you get what you need. The dish looks simple and fantastic.

    1. Yeah some of my pregnancy "cravings" are mostly meats, eggs, spicy and a few sweets here and there. Which isn't too far fetched except the meat, which I would consume about 1-2 times a week. Now I feel like I eat meat 3-4 times a week in some form. Funny how the body knows what it needs... I am iron deficient.

  4. Mmmm, this looks absolutely gorgeous - simple but perfect for my brother :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  5. wowww, grass-fed steaks for $8? That's a super steal, good shopping! And I love the "sassy onions", what a great name! I appreciate your suggestions also, for the non-dairy options. I am in the process of trying to de-clutter my diet and make a conscious effort to eat healthier, so I appreciate the help! (p.s. buzzed!)


    1. Yeah a total STEAL! I def. stocked up for later. It was almost half off the original price. One way I make it feasible to eat well and healthy - stock up on sales, cook in bulk and freeze a bunch.

      I am have a small aversion to dairy, so I like to minimize the amount of dairy I use. I don't cut it out completely, because I have a love affair with cheese, but keeping things optional helps me make better decisions in the long run. Glad you are cleaning up your diet! I hope whatever path you are using is beneficial for you.
