
Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Addictive Blog Award & Awesome Blogger Award

2 Awards in 1 day... I'm flying high!

I'm fairly new to the blogging world and began as a way to share my recipes and food experiments, but as the blog matures more I am hoping to add more resources that I can use for my clients as well. It started off as a goal to cook/bake at least once week (about 4 years or so ago) and now I practically cook or bake everything I eat! I wanted to stop eating heavily processed foods as my main source of nourishment, and incorporate more whole foods. I'm using this blog as a vehicle to express, experiment and share my experiences.

Thank you so much to Emma @ Food, Fork and Good and Ashlee @ ABpetite for this awesome award! Emma posts some amazing recipes, like her recent Spiced Apple Pie Rolls - oh my! Ashlee's blog features a lot of diet friendly foods that makes eating better super tasty and easy! Check out their blogs for the latest and greatest. 

Rules for this award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Share a bit about why you started blogging
  • Copy and Paste the award on your blog
  • Nominate up to 10 people you think are addicted enough to deserve this award
My nominees for this award are (not including the 2 lovely bloggers who shared with me):

Now on to the next award: 

Thanks to Ashlee @ ABpetite for another great award. I think this one really is meant for me - I saw the word awesome WAY too much!

I'd like to share the love with: 

Congrats to everyone!! You all deserve it!


  1. Thanks so much for the award. Love your blog! :)

    1. Thank you, I adore your blog as well. Full of very tasty treats!

  2. Thank you for the award!! :D

  3. Thank you for the award lovely. I've linked you on my blog. Go to and click "What's New". I couldn't like your facebook profile for some reason. I couldn't see a like button :( But omg you are 36 weeks! I'm so EXCITED for you. Will DEFINITELY drop by to see your beautiful bubs when he/she arrives. All the best. Chat soon. You are welcome to scribble on my page as you please. Love hearing from you. x

    1. Thank you so much for the link. I'm not sure why my Facebook page is acting odd - but no worries, I understand. I will definitely post pics of the babe once I deliver. Thanks for the warm wishes. <3

  4. Thank you so, much, Laurie. I will give you a shout out in the next post. I have been enjoying your blog. I am in the middle of writing a summer series of regional recipes - as you saw on my last post. So as soon as I am done with that series will will pass the love along to other bloggers. ;.}

    1. Sounds awesome! I look forward to checking it out.

  5. Congrats on your awards, well deserved

  6. Thanks so much for the Awesome Blogger Award :) This one is meant for me too since I use the word "awesome" every other sentence!
    Congrats on your awards!

  7. Congratulations on your award. Well deserved!

  8. Awe, thank you so much for the award! It is AWESOME ;)

    Love your blog!

  9. Congratulations for the awards!!

  10. Conbgrats on the awards my friend, you deserve each and every one :D
    It means a lot that you nominated me, thank you!


    1. Thank you, and u as well :) you've always got some delicious treats to post - makes me smile.
