
Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's a BOY!!!

I want to apologize for my absence the past week, but I have a great reason.... I had a baby boy!! Jared Ryu was born Tuesday morning (July 10th) completely healthy and absolutely adorable. We are so blessed!. As he is my first child, my husband and I, are learning the ropes and enjoying being new parents. 

I'm planning on being away for another week or so. Since I have been anticipating the birth of my child for awhile, I planned ahead and scheduled a few guest bloggers to post in my absence. So starting tomorrow, I'll be feature some great recipes and tips from some of my friends. 

I want to thank everyone for understanding and supporting me through such an amazing time in my life. I promise to be back and posting soon! 



  1. Congratulations! I'm so happy that you have such a cute and healthy boy!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!! What a wonderful blessing... he is precious!! Wishing you and your family all the best! ~ Ramona :)

  3. What a magical time of your life! Your new addition is just precious...congratulations!!!

  4. Congratulations! What a wonderful reason to be away :) He is darling!

  5. He is adorable! CONGRATULATIONS! May his life be filled with health and happiness!

  6. Aww.... he's a beautiful boy, congratulations Laurie and family... and welcome to the world Jared Ryu!

  7. Congratulations on having a healthy baby boy! Jared Ryu is adorable! Enjoy your time off with your family:)

  8. Congratulations to you and your husband on that very handsome blessing!
    He looks Adorbs, Laurie!

  9. He is sooo precious! Congrats, Laurie!!

  10. Congratulations. He is beautiful. Boys absolutely rock (I have two of them)!
