
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Another LOVELY award :)

Thank you so much to Ellen @ Ellen B Cookery for this awesome award! She's a great friend and one of my recent Guest Bloggers. She is always cooking up something delicious and inspiring me, so check her out!!

The rules are:
  1. Link back whoever nominated you.
  2. Write 11 random facts about yourself
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers
11 Random Facts about Laurie:
  1. I love word games (scrabble, crosswords, etc.)
  2. I wish I could speak German & French fluently - I'm currently very basic in both. 
  3. I have the hots for Robert  Downey Jr.
  4. One of my favorite movies is "P.S. I Love You" - sob fest!
  5. My adorable pup is named Scooters 
  6. I'm a Capricorn 
  7. I have "Call me Maybe" stuck in my head, on repeat (Ahhh!!!! Kill me!)
  8. I'm always early or on time - I get anxious if I even think I may be late going somewhere. 
  9. I love earth tones
  10. Part of my vacations are planned around the food/restaurants visited. I love to try local favorites. 
  11. One of my most cherished possessions is a wooden sculpture of a woman's body. It is absolute gorgeous.


  1. Thank you so much for awarding me this wonderful honor. :) Hope you are having a blessed weekend with your family. :)

  2. Thank you so much! I just finished the post!

    1. I saw that you like Dr. Who (me too). I just started watching it on BBCA and really digging it.

  3. Boggle!!!!
    Totally agree with you about RD jr.

    1. :) he is such a gorgeous man - I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

  4. Laurie, thank you for passing on the award to me.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  5. I agree with you vacations favorite part is discovering local food and restaurants.
    Thanks for passing on the award to me. Meriem

  6. Biggest congrats my friend :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  7. Thank you, Laurie. You do have "one lovely blog." I appreciate the award. It may be a few days until I can reciprocate because we don't know which way hurricane Issac is going yet. We might need to batten down the hatches here this weekend.

    1. No worries, I'm getting prepped just in case as well. Hope you and your family are safe in case the storm heads your way!
