Monday, October 1, 2012

Mini Update and Sept. Food Pen Pal

Happy Monday! Today is the reveal of my Food Pen Pal package and also I'd like to update everyone on what's going on in my life. As you can tell, I haven't been posting as much lately. Part of it is because I am so busy with my baby boy, but also a few other things. I thought I was going to be moving to another state, so I spent a whole week researching the area, movers, etc. It was going to be an immediate move - meaning I had 3 weeks to get everything together, so I was trying to crunch everything as quickly as I could. Well, it turns out it isn't happening, so that weight is lifted off of me. Also I started working last week and I'm still trying to get used to my new schedule. Finding a routine with breastfeeding/pumping, working, spending time with my family, keeping house and cooking is pretty overwhelming. I'm starting to get into the swing of things, but I think in another 2 weeks, I should have it down. I'm hoping that by the beginning of November that I'll be back and posting regularly on the blog (2-3 times a week). I want to thank all of you for your support and understanding. 

My son is going to be 12 weeks tomorrow and I can't believe how quickly time has flown by! It's been an amazing time so far and I couldn't imagine not being a mother at this point. I don't know how I got by! Jared is already holding up his head, cooing and reaching for mommy when he needs love. He's over 13lbs and over 2ft tall already, he's such a big boy. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome son.  

The Lean Green Bean

Sept. Food Pen Pal! 

I received the most amazing package this month from Valerie of That's What We Did! She sent me a lovely variety of spicy and sweet items. She also sent me an awesome recipe to make Spicy Chocolate Clusters using the granola and spicy peanut butter that she sent. They sound like they'd be great to make and take to work. I'll post pictures and the recipe once I get a chance to make them (or you can check out her post here).

Here's a breakdown of what was in the box:
  • Vanilla Almond Granola
  • Hot & Spicy Peanut Butter
  • Peach Salsa
  • Cherry Almond Fruit & Nut Bar
  • Chipotle Chili Powder
  • Cranberry Balsamic Vinegar
  • Sea Salt Dark Chocoalte
  • Chipotle Chili Dark Chocolate

As most of you know, I love spicy foods and I love peanut butter. Well I got both in one jar! Spicy Peanut Butter!!!!! It's so awesome, especially with jalapeno pepper jelly. It the new Laurie's PB & J. It's made locally to where Valerie is from (Ohio), which makes me so happy. I love trying local foods from different areas. Following the spicy theme - I also received a delicious piece of chipotle chocolate, which was enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee. Absolutely heavenly :) 

I actually served some of the peach salsa yesterday during the football game with some blue corn chips. It's really balanced and tasty. I reserved some to serve over some broiled fish later in the week. It will make it easy to put together a quick week night meal. 

Hope everyone has an awesome week and I'll beginning posting regularly soon!


  1. First and foremost I want to tell you that you have the most beautiful son <3

    Second, I've never heard of spicy peanut butter. I can't imagine it not being delicious though. Have you tried marinating any meats with it?

  2. Congratulations on your baby boy!! How precious! ^_^

    Also, I've never heard of spicy peanut butter before. Whoa!

  3. Laurie congrats on your new baby! Jared is adorable, and I'm sure he keeps you on your toes! I've never heard of spicy peanut butter. Google, here I come!

  4. Your baby is too darling!! Congrats again girl! Jalapeno PB?? What?? Craziness both my fav things in one how is it??

  5. Congrats my friend, your son is adorable :D


  6. Your baby boy looks very cute! Congratulation!

  7. Settling in with your newborn is the most wonderful and important thing you will do this year! No worries, your readers will be here when you've 'found your groove', so to speak! Jared is just beautiful, Laurie!

  8. Hi, popping in from Uru's blog and gather life has been busier than you thought it would be :)

  9. Your baby looks adorable :) Love the look of the spicy peanut butter too! X

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